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AutoWorks: a clean and organized independent auto repair shop in Delray Beach, Florida

And it’s not just AutoWorks that’s claiming this.

For the past 7 years since AutoWorks took over the business, everyone who enters our offices and our repair area attests to the fact that we operate clean and organized offices, waiting room, and repair area. Our customers, suppliers, vendors, and city, county, and state environmental public health officials are impressed with how clean, organized, and fresh-smelling our facility is. “Everything is very organized and clean”, is what the officials always say as we pass our annual inspection.

Keeping an auto repair facility clean is a challenging task and never-ending. Especially one of the size of AutoWorks. Why do we clean and organize constantly? A clean and organized environment is a pleasant environment, it makes everybody feel healthy and safe and good about themselves. It also contributes to the confidence that our customers feel about AutoWorks taking care of their vehicles. In addition, our technicians and staff know where everything is and little time is wasted looking for the many tools, parts, and components that reside in our 4,000 square foot shop.